Thursday, August 30, 2012

Helvetica Response

I think that the movie was informing. I didn't notice how much Helvetica was used and how much of a revolution it was in the font world. I see it everywhere and I never really noticed. I think that I will be looking and recognizing it more often from now on. It was a giant step in writing history, but it has been used over a lot. So for that reason, it's not as special as it once was. It has brought up the need for newer and more modern day fonts. I may not share the same opinions as others who see this, but I think that they are as valid as the next person's. 

Friday, August 24, 2012

What is Graphic Design?

I think that graphic design is art that is embedded into our daily lives. It's the design of images, logos, fonts, structures, and pretty much everything else that we see. Graphic design is used in a lot of products and buildings. I especially see it in logos. The designs on them help me recognize instantly what product they're representing. Such as the addidas mark or the HC that stands for Holland Christian. 
The designs that influence me the most are most likely the ones used for music artists. Each band has a different logo that is unique, and from their designs, I get other ideas for art.